Rebuilding Black Wall Streets

As we reflect on the 100th commemoration of the Tulsa Massacre, we must remember that this travesty was far from the only one of its kind.

Black Wall Streets at one time peppered this nation. And what wasn’t destroyed by murderous mob violence was ended by public policy which routinely stripped land from Black families, literally ripping apart and paving over Black communities in the name of “progress.” 

There is a debt that is owed related to these travesties which is far past due.

And while there is no making up for all that has been lost, especially in the way of human life, in many ways this history not only infuriates me, it fuels me;

It inspires me to in some small way, rebuild what has been so tragically lost.


Merely existing as a Black business owner in this nation, is a revolutionary act.

And while our community is much more dispersed in this era, we can rebuild Black Wall Streets in deed if not in physical geographical boundaries.


It is my belief, that each Black business owner that has the audacity to flourish in the wake of this history, makes our ancestors proud.


I don’t know about anyone else, but I’m coming for EVERYTHING my ancestors were denied.


If within you burns a desire to grow your business, let nothing stand in your way.


It’s our time to THRIVE…


Are you with me?

Dr. Avis is the 7-Figure CEO of Media to Millions and the Creator of the Perfect Media Pitch Masterclass where she teaches entrepreneurs how to strategically leverage media in order to drive more leads to their businesses and turn those leads into six, multi-six and even seven-figure revenue leaps in their bottom lines. For more information and to sign up for her next FREE Masterclass go to